This form must be completed when you have a complaint against Blue Stone and directed to our complaints manager by signed for Royal Mail. Telephone 01209 704869.
Before completing this form, please read your contract with Blue Stone as there are some types of complaint, we will not be able to consider, such as fee disputes or where you are seeking financial redress.
If you have any special requirements and/or disabilities and require assistance in completing this form, please contact us on the number provided above. Alternatively, please email us.
No Item y n
1 Are you content for your name to be disclosed to the person you are complaining about
2 Have you raised this matter directly with the member/firm? If yes, have you enclosed
details of the outcome?
3 Have you enclosed all supporting evidence in this matter?
4 Are you able to confirm there are no open legal / civil proceedings
5 If you are complaining on someone else’s behalf, have you enclosed a letter of authority
from the complainant for you to act on their behalf?
6 If your complaint results in a Disciplinary Hearing, are you willing to attend as a witness?
If you have answered ‘No’ to any of the questions please provide reasons, otherwise your complaint may be declined.
Please provide a short statement regarding your complaint and attach any supporting evidence with this form
Please send the completed form together with any evidence to the via signed for Royal Mail to
Complaints Manager
Blue Stone Accountancy
Penventon Mill
TR16 6AS